Legal Notice

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Lucky Duck Games Sp. z o.o.
ul. Generała Bohdana Zielińskiego 11
30-320 Kraków

EU VAT: PL6762506416

General Legal Notices
All intellectual property, as well as any information and material that appears on the LDG Website belongs to Lucky Duck Games, Inc, unless otherwise specified. LDG partners with numerous other companies and trademark/copyright owners that own intellectual property rights to our games as well as material that appears on the LDG Website. Use of any of the intellectual property materials on the LDG Website is prohibited, unless specific permission is granted by the intellectual property owner. 

Labor Practices
Lucky Duck Games strives to maintain safe, humane, and fair working conditions in the manufacturing facilities with which it does business. LDG’s manufacturing agreements require that these facilities provide employees with safe and humane working conditions, and that they comply with all applicable health, safety, and environmental laws. In addition, LDG requires its worldwide manufacturing partners to comply with ICTI standards. The gold standard for ethical manufacturing in the game and toy industry, the International Council of Toy Industries (ICTI) is an independent third party organization “committed to the promotion of toy safety standards, to the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and to the advancement of social responsibility in the industry with programs to address environmental concerns, fair and lawful employment practices and workplace safety.” For details on ICTI and how it maintains high workplace standards, visit

Consumer Safety Standards
Consumer safety is of the utmost importance to Lucky Duck Games. All LDG products comply to EN 71 European standards, the strictest requirements in the industry. In addition, LDG ensures conformity to U.S ASTM Toy Safety standards. For more on ASTM standards, visit


Lucky Duck Games Compliance Reporting Policy

This Compliance Reporting Policy (this "Policy") is binding upon you as an employee, or you represent a third party (candidate, contractor, supplier, customer) of Lucky Duck Games Sp. z o.o. (the "Company"). Consult with the Group Company's Legal Department (Goliath International Holding B.V.) at if you have any questions about this Policy.

Policy Overview
The purpose of this Policy is to reinforce the business integrity of the Company by providing a safe and reliable means for employees and others to report concerns they may have about conduct at Lucky Duck Games. By following this Policy, you can raise concerns, confidentially and anonymously if desired, and free of any retaliation, discrimination, or harassment.

We ask that you follow this Policy to report good faith concerns regarding any of the following:

  • which we refer to in this policy as "Ethics Violations".
  • which we refer to in this policy as "Corporate Policy Violations".
  • which we refer to in this policy as "Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activities".
  • which we refer to in this policy as "Legal Violations," and collectively with Ethics Violations and Corporate Policy Violations as "Violations".

If requested, we also ask that you provide truthful information in connection with an inquiry or investigation by a court, an agency, law enforcement, or any other governmental body.

Who Does This Policy Cover?
This policy applies to all employees, officers, and directors of Lucky Duck Games Sp. z o.o. and any of its direct and indirect subsidiaries, all of whom are referred to collectively as "employees" or "you" throughout this policy. In this policy, “we,” and “our” refers to Lucky Duck Games Sp. z o.o.

As a Lucky Duck Games employee, if you are aware of a potential Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity and do not report it according to this policy, your inaction may be considered a Violation itself, which may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment or any other relationship that you may have with Lucky Duck Games.

Reporting and Investigation
If you believe that any Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity has occurred or is occurring or you have a good faith concern regarding conduct that you reasonably believe may be a Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity, we encourage you to contact us either in person, via email ( or mail (ul. Gen. Bohdana Zielińskiego 11, 30-320 Kraków).

This Policy provides a mechanism for Lucky Duck Games to be made aware of any alleged wrongdoings and address them as soon as possible. However, nothing in this Policy is intended to prevent any employee or Third Party from reporting information to federal or state law enforcement agencies when an employee has reasonable cause to believe that the violation of a federal or state statute has occurred.

Receipt of the report will be acknowledged to the sender within a reasonable period following receipt if the sender supplied an address for response.

Handling Reports
Reports of Violations, Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity, or other questionable conduct that are submitted by any means specified in this Policy will be handled as follows:

All reports will be logged separately and shall be reviewed under the direction and oversight of the HR Manager, and will be discussed within the Executive Team of Lucky Duck Games.

Information disclosed during the course of the investigation will, to the extent practical and appropriate, remain confidential, except as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances to facilitate the investigation, take remedial action, or comply with applicable law.

For any Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity not reported through an anonymous report, we will advise the reporting party that the Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity has been addressed and, if we can, of the specific resolution. However, due to confidentiality obligations, there may be times when we cannot provide the details regarding the corrective or disciplinary action that was taken.

No Retaliation
Lucky Duck Games strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful retaliation against any employee, or officer for reporting a Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity or suspected Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity in good faith or otherwise cooperating in an investigation of a Violation or Fraudulent Auditing and Accounting Activity. All forms of unlawful retaliation are prohibited, including any form of adverse action, discipline, threats, intimidation, or other form of retaliation for reporting under or complying with this Policy. Lucky Duck Games considers retaliation a Violation itself, which will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or any other working relationship with Lucky Duck Games.

Your complaint should be as detailed as possible, including the names of all individuals involved and any witnesses. Lucky Duck Games will directly and thoroughly investigate the facts and circumstances of all perceived retaliation and will take prompt corrective action, if appropriate.

Encouragement for Good Faith Reporting
We encourage everyone to report any concerns they may have with honesty and integrity. Lucky Duck Games is committed to protecting those who report in good faith, even if the concerns raised are found to be unsubstantiated after a thorough investigation. Our goal is to foster a culture of openness, where everyone feels safe to speak up about potential issues without fear of retaliation.

We trust that reports will be made based on genuine concerns. While intentional false reporting is not in line with our values and can have serious consequences, we believe that most reports are made with the best intentions. Should anyone knowingly submit a false report, appropriate actions may be taken in accordance with the law and internal policies.

Our primary aim is to ensure that all employees feel confident in raising concerns, knowing they will be taken seriously and handled with care.

The Company expressly reserves the right to change, modify, or delete the provisions of this Policy without notice. The HR Department is responsible for the administration of this Policy. All employees are responsible for consulting and complying with the most current version of this Policy. This Policy is effective as of September 25, 2024.