Przystąp do kolonizacji kosmosu!
Uniwersum: Ganymede
USD 34.99 USD 39.99Ganymede is a development and tableau-building game in which players are corporations specialized in sending settlers to colonize the universe. To do so, you will recruit settlers on Earth, use shuttles to transport them to Mars, then to Ganymede where the settlers' ships launch base is located.
The game ends when a player has launched four Settler Ships into space.
Players race to complete four Settler Ships. Once a player completes their 4th Settler Ship, players score Victory Points for their completed Ships, their Reputation track and 1 VP for each Settler on their incomplete Ships.
On their turn, the active player performs one action from the following three options:
W grze Ganymede gracze wcielają się w korporacje, których celem jest kolonizacja kosmosu. W tym celu muszą werbować osadników na Ziemi, wysyłać ich najpierw a Marsa - a następnie do bazy na księżycu Jowisza - Ganimedesie. Kto pierwszy wyśle w międzygwiezdną przestrzeń cztery załogi - wygrywa!