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Destinies Witchwood

Long ago, a pact was made with the Dwellers of the Wood. By the rules of this agreement, men must keep to their villages
and paths, scattered throughout the vast forest like embers of the light.

What lies beyond belongs to other, older masters – creatures of ancient magics who look unkindly upon trespassers.
Despite this pact, daring souls explore the woodland labyrinth in search of treasures, adventures and secrets.

Destinies Witchwood

What's new in
this expansion?

Destinies: Witchwood is a new expansion for Destinies that
adds additional scenarios in a brand new setting for players
to explore. The world is filled with folklore-inspired
characters, monsters, and adventures.

The Base Game is required to
play this expansion.

Explore a rich
world of the

Witchwood drops you into a wild and vibrant
world full of interesting people, dark tales
and epic challenges to encounter. You will meet
folklore-inspired creatures and characters who
will beguile you with their whimsy and blur
the lines between light and dark.

New to Destinies?

If you're new to Destinies and would like all of the gameplay content, and deluxified components, you can find them below:

Destinies Witchwood
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